Our Services
Early Steps
Early steps program provides intensive center-based behavioral treatment services for children age 2 to 7 who have been diagnosed with developmental delay or disorder. This professionally implemented intervention program is designed to promote skills acquisition and decrease problem behavior. All treatment will be provided in a maintained 1:1 ratio from a trained and fully qualified Behavior Technician.
This program strives to enhance each child’s rate of development according to their strengths and challenges that covers the following area: adaptive behavior, language skills, cognitive skills, motor skills and social skills. An intensive behavioral program aims to prepare a child to eventually enter mainstream educational settings or transitional programs.
In our program, we utilize applied behavior principles and each child will receive a highly individualized intervention plan for his/her unique needs. Intervention plan is created through a structured and competent curriculum made specifically for children with developmental issues. By using measured data, we are able to assess more objectively and readily track progress to determine the rate of learning.
Program Hours
Why three hours? We are doing a focused treatment that includes direct one-on-one treatment as well as social interaction. In the three hours program, we want to acquire skills targeted as much as we can but also ensure that children will have the time to work at their own pace and participate comfortably.
Programs Structure
This intervention takes place in a preschool-type setting using center based format consisting of a small group of children. Each 3-hour session is divided into “mini” sessions. Half of each child’s time is spent in 1:1 structured format. The remainder of the time, children engage in small group activities and peer interactions to ensure generalization of skills. Those “mini” sessions include:
To mark the beginning of our program, we always sit down together by having different activities such as singing, reading a book, having some floor activities or even just moving our body.
(some pictures of our circle time)
We maintain a 1:1 ratio on every learning process and teaching opportunities. All the programs the children worked on during this session is designed specifically for them, depending on their needs.
(some pictures of our 1:1 session, the materials)
In our program, we also have a snack time for the kids. During this time, children are taught some basic living skills, like washing hands and eating independently.
(some pictures of our snack time)
During social time, children will engage in some table-top activities that are related to math or literacy, or engage in group activities through games or sensory play. Children are encouraged to interact with each other during this time.
(some pictures of our social time)
Parents Training and Workshop
Parents training is a family oriented service that involves parents or caregivers. In this training, we will equip parents or caregivers to be empowered and apply the same quality of intervention at home.
Some of the topics covered in our parents training and workshop include:
- Applying Positive Reinforcement: Teaching and Shaping Behaviors
- Teaching and Learning through Play: Prompting and Types of Activities
- Teaching Social Communication for Young Children
- Structuring: Creating a Stress-Free Home Environment
(sneak peek of the slides/handouts)
Bridge Path
Bridge Path Program provides center based behavioral treatment services for learners who are continuing from our Early Steps Program or those who require behavioral support in both functional living and academic skills. This professionally implemented intervention program is designed to support academic targets in school, increase independence and decrease problem behavior. All treatment will be provided in a maintained 1:1 ratio from a trained and fully qualified Behavior Technician.
This program strives to enhance each learner’s skills according to their strengths and challenges in their academic and everyday life. An intensive behavioral training aims to integrate learner’s skills in his/her home, school and community life.
In our program, we utilize applied behavior principles and each child will receive a highly individualized intervention plan for his/her unique needs. Intervention plan is created through a structured and competent curriculum made specifically for teaching children with developmental issues the essential skills they need in order to achieve independence. Intervention plans will also be integrated with academic goals from learner’s current school or vocational goals.
Program Hours
Parents Training and Workshop
Parents training is a family oriented service that involves parents or caregivers. In this training, we will equip parents or caregivers to be empowered and apply the same quality of intervention at home.

FAQ about our programs
We will mainly use English for group instructions and other social interactions throughout the day. However, we can either use Indonesian/English during one-on-one sessions depending on what the child & parents are comfortable with.
Since each program is individualized for every child, the length of the program will depend on how much skills the child has acquired in the beginning of the program. Early Steps and Bridge Path based on a term model, with each term lasting for three months for Early Steps and one month for Bridge Path. Children can enroll when term begins. Contracts are renewed on a term-by-term basis.
This program will target a lot of skills that cover different skill domains. In a way, this program should suffice intervention needs for your child. However, if the child needs more therapy hours in a specific area (i.e.: speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.) parents are more than welcomed to do so.
What language is used for the program?
We will mainly use English for group instructions and other social interactions throughout the day. However, we can either use Indonesian/English during one-on-one sessions depending on what the child & parents are comfortable with.